Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the victim's personal data until a ransom is paid. They commonly use difficult-to-trace digital currencies ... WannaCry ransomware attack · FBI MoneyPak Ransomware · AIDS (Trojan horse)
勒索軟體,又稱勒索病毒,是一種特殊的惡意軟體,又被人歸類為「阻斷存取式攻擊」(denial-of-access attack),其與其他病毒最大的不同在於手法以及中毒方式。
Ransomware | The IT Law Wiki
Ransomware is Ransomware typically propagates as a conventional computer worm, entering a system through, for example, a vulnerability in a network service ...
Ransomware program that locks files until a sum of money is paid. In more languages Spanish ransomware software malicioso utilizado en demandas de rescate.
Malicious actors then demand ransom in exchange for decryption. They threaten to sell or leak exfiltrated data or authentication information if the ransom is ...
malware - Ransomware Wiki
Ransomware, sometimes known as cryptovirus, cryptotrojan, lockvirus, encryptor virus, or cryptoworm is a type of malware that makes the data belonging to an ...
[victim→attacker] To carry out the cryptoviral extortion attack, the malware generates a random symmetric key and encrypts the victim's data with it. It uses ...
Veeam ensures data portability with secure backup, rapid recovery, and freedom to move and manage data across cloud, virtual, and physical platforms. Ransomware Backup · Download Veeam Products · Free Backup Software For...